Special Projects

Our Current Special Projects

How will you get involved?

Transportation Needs


We are in need of another vehicle to maintain transportation needs at the Pines as we continue to provide ministry and services to the children. We are able to get a used vehicle that will help meet the everyday needs of transporting children and workers. See photo below for an example of the vehicle. If you are led to help, please donate below to Pines – Car Fund. God bless you!


School Shoes and Uniforms


The children of The Pines all attend schools that require uniforms and particular shoes.  Since the children attend so many different schools, only a few items can be handed down to younger children, which incurs additional costs for new uniforms.  Your partnership in meeting this need would be most appreciated.


Transition Housing


People often ask how long the children are allowed to stay at The Pines and what AIMI does to help them after they are older.  As The Pines children continue to get older, there is a great need to help the older children learn how to be independent and to care for themselves when they leave The Pines.  In order to address this issue, The Pines would like to start transition housing for the now young adults after they matric (graduate).  This would be a home in town with a separate apartment for house parents, giving the young adults more independence without fully releasing them on their own.  A setup like this allows them to take the next step in spiritual maturity as they grow under the guidance of their house parents, but also take more responsibility for their faith outside of the structure of The Pines.  A transition house will also allow these young adults to develop skills in household management, taking responsibility for their own transportation (as a house in town puts them in the route of the taxis), and holding down a job.  This is a big project that is just now getting started and will later require more funds, but for now, a temporary arrangement has been made for the two boys matricing this year, requiring costs that we are hoping to raise now.  In order to make this project happen, funds for rent, utilities, food, transportation, and other basic needs will need to be raised.  Would you consider partnering in this project to help these young adults transition into adulthood?


Make a Donation Today

$   Pines - Car Fund
$   Pines - Transition Fund
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Ambassadors International Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Longmont, Colorado, born out of compassion that drives us to do what we can to alleviate the pain and suffering of HIV/AIDS and help remove its cause.

© 2024 Ambassadors International Ministries, Inc.